Weekend Meals
Children should never have to worry about where their food will come from. Breakfast, lunch and dinner for Saturday and Sunday are provided each week during the school year for students, Pre-K - 6th grade, in the Monmouth-Roseville School District. Each bag contains whole grain cereals, shelf-stable milk, 100% juice, whole grain crackers, cheese or peanut butter and jelly, and a pasta/meat dish. The menus rotate for variety.
We currently serve an average of 100 kids each weekend.
Students can be referred by a parent or school personnel. Call 309-734-4251 for registration.
"Hunger deprives our kids of more than just food.
It’s a simple fact: A child’s chance for a bright tomorrow starts with getting enough food to eat today."
~Feeding America
Weekend Meals are possible in collaboration with River Bend Food Bank, Twomey Foundation, Smithfield Foods and Monmouth-Roseville School District.
How can YOU help?
$250.00 feeds a child for the entire school year.